South India’s most alive city, there are no outsiders in Bangalore. A melting point of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, the hoi polloi of Bangalore is charmingly mixed. Nearly every one speaks English, even if it’s only a smattering, and every one is aware of the privilege they’re bestowed with. Yes, every resident of Bangalore, regardless of where they’re from, takes immense pride in their address. Malls, parks, pubs, theatre, cafes, art galleries,

alaces – at any given point, Bangalore is buzzing and alive with activity. A bustling city today, Bangalore often reminisces about its days as a sleepy cantonment area of the British – tree-lined avenues with quaint sounding names like Richmond Town and Victoria Layout hint that the city does get sentimental about its past. The Bangalore Palace, the Attara Kacheri (High Court), St. Marys Basilica, Tipu’s Palace, ISKCON Temple and the Bull Temple highlight Bangalore’s many personalities, and are monuments that mark its journey, ante-IT. Now Bangalore is known for its thriving industry and as an IT hotbed. The Lonely Planet rating the city the No.3 destination in the Best Travel Cities, 2012′ has made Bangalore an overnight star, if it wasn’t one already. Almost at the heart of South India, this cosmopolitan city is everything a world city needs to be. Pleasant weather, pleasant people, pleasant hangouts. And for the tourist, a lot of pleasant memories